According to statistics, divorce rates have gone down for the past ten years. But you are not a statistic, and they have not met your wife.
Maybe you and your wife are just having a rough patch. Every marriage goes through one – or more.
Does it mean that Your Wife Doesn’t Love You Anymore? No.
Sometimes, though, the evidence keeps on piling up, and you feel like you two will soon sign some divorce papers. It is a scary thought, but one that you must face the possibility of.
Here are some signs that your wife doesn’t love you anymore and your marriage is no longer bound by real love:

1. Communication Lines have Crumbled Down
A good sign of disinterest is when communication lines are no longer open. Early in the marriage, you remember being the one who was always absent while your wife attempted to connect.
If only you could go back to those times, you probably would show more affection.
Perhaps your wife is just a little more tired than usual. However, you may start thinking if she does not even put up a good fight anymore.
It seems that she is willing to turn a blind eye on everything you do as long as she could keep quiet.
When the little things no longer matter to her, she may no longer have any desire to keep up appearances – and to keep the marriage going.
2. You Two No Longer Share Much of Anything
It is not just stories that you two no longer share. Your wife also seems to stop thinking of things as hers and yours at the same time. Your wife has stopped buying anything that would mean joint ownership.
For example, the two of you bought a house together and even a car. If she was not interested in having her own vehicle, she is now.
Your wife has also found other interests that do not include you. Even meals and snacks are now labeled with her name.
She does not say anything, but you feel like the recent emotional distance means that her things are all off limits to you.
3. The Intimacy is Gone
Intimacy of any kind is gone. You two have mastered the emotional distance that it feels like you are two strangers renting rooms in the same house.
You are no longer in touch with your wife’s feelings – at least not all of them. It is starting to look like your wife doesn’t love you anymore.
Your wife also makes it a point to keep her physical distance. Your attempts at sex or even cuddling have been rebuffed.
You don’t feel much of a husband to her anymore. Your role seems to have been relegated to a roommate.
Some people are friendlier to their roommates compared to how your spouse now treats you.
Making a marriage work without sex is difficult but possible, especially if you know that your spouse does not mean it to be that way. Maybe she is incapacitated by illness. It is still challenging, though.
On the other hand, a completely absent sex life caused by a lack of affection is a lot more painful to deal with.
4. She has Become Self-involved
Your wife did not use to be the type of woman who only thought of herself. Nowadays, though, she had forged a stronger relationship with herself.
Everything that she is focused on is about her: her career, her beauty, her talents, and her plans. There is nothing wrong with that.
You would have been willing to support her all the way, but she does not give you even a tiny space in her seemingly new life.
It almost feels like you are living with a completely new person. This is not your spouse, the woman that you have promised to love and cherish before God.
If you two have a kid and she feels as if that kid is an extension of herself, she may give him a lot more attention. But if he thinks that your child together is more of a reflection of you, she may even be in danger of neglecting him.
5. Her New Policy is “Take More and Give Less”
Not only has your spouse focused on herself too much, but she has also become more selfish.
You are a man who is willing to give her everything.
Nowadays, though, she has some unrealistic expectations. She thinks that she can just take and take, without giving anything.
It is as if she is still in the marriage because she still needs a partner. However, she is no longer willing to engage in romantic love.
6. She has Cheated on You
Adultery on her part is a sign that she does not respect you. Nobody can claim to love someone if she is enjoying more active sex life with someone else. That is not how a strong relationship works.
You cannot hope to make your marriage work when you are taunting your husband about an affair. Even a man who has pledged unconditional love to you will not be able to stand such a blatant showing of disrespect.
But you are the husband in this equation. Even if you still manage to keep your true love for her intact, it will be difficult to maintain that after you discover the affair.
Would you still maintain the loving feeling if you are in this situation? Adultery is not a sign of a healthy marriage. It is the opposite of it.
It is painful to find out that she has found another man.
It does not matter if she had cheated because she needed a sex life outside of your marriage or if she truly loved the other man.
A wedge has been made between the two of you as a couple.
7. There is No Effort in Fixing Things
From time to time, there will be marital conflict. That is normal. Life can be difficult, and even a healthy relationship suffers from different things.
However, your wife doesn’t love you anymore when she is no longer hoping for a better future with you. Instead, she is just going through the motions. It is as if each day is just a means for her to ignore more of what is going on.
She does not want to try anymore. Perhaps, she used to put up a good fight. These days, she is just content to stay in her own little corner. It feels as if the life of your spouse is no longer entwined with yours.
Emotional intimacy is just as important – or even more important – than a physical one. At this point, she can no longer offer you that.
She used to dissect every little past mistake you made. Nowadays, the little things are just that – little or possibly just nothing.
8. She is Only Grumpy Around You
It seems that she is happy enough, at least around other people. It is as if your partner has moved on to her next life without the two of you finalizing a divorce.
It is almost as if the only things that are missing are the divorce papers. The woman you married is showing you what she thinks of you. You are like a nuisance, or even the villain, in her life.
This is a terrible feeling to know that the one you love thinks so badly of you that she is not even willing to meet up with a marriage counselor.
If the two of you a married couple in name alone, it may be time to move on.
9. She Frequently Talks About Somebody Else
Not only is she talking about somebody else, but she does so with a glint in her eyes.
You must have known that look. She used to look animated like that when the two of you still had a rock-solid marriage. Your partner also looked like that when the relationship was still fresh and new.
Now, she is spending most of the time talking about someone else. Even if she has not cut you off emotionally and physically, this intense interest can cause worry.
Is she just with you because you are married? Think about it. Is she the sort of woman who will stick around through marital conflict because she values her vow before God?
If this is the case, would you be willing to remain in a loveless marriage? Your wife’s feelings may have already been moved on to somebody else – another man or even a woman. This other person is making your wife smile a lot more than before.
So, Should You Leave?
On its own, each of the top signs you have read above may not mean much. Even the adultery may have been a response to your own. It may have been caused by a moment of weakness, though she still loves you.
Before you sign the divorce papers, you must make sure that the relationship is truly dead.
The woman you have married does not love you anymore – and you do not want to imprison her in a marriage that she no longer wants.
The best thing to know for sure is to have a talk. If she herself is confused about her feelings, you two may need a marriage counselor to act as a mediator.
You two may be just going through the worst moment in your lives.
If in case she really does not love you anymore, examine yourself. How do you move on to a fresh new life?
You will be left heartbroken. You may have done nothing to deserve it. However, you can still be proud of being the bigger person and letting her go.
Just don’t let her go when you are not quite sure if she really wants to leave.