There is something different about the woman you love.
At first, you could not put your finger on what is bothering you about her. Then, you started worrying.
Is it possible that she doesn’t love you anymore?
She still goes home to you. She has not blocked you on her phone, as far as you could tell. So, you tell yourself that you are just going through a phase in your relationship.
But the days become weeks, and possibly months.
Her behavior remains slightly off-kilter, not quite how she used to act. You begin wondering if the person with you is really your wife or girlfriend.
Has she been abducted by aliens?
Is she cheating on you?
Is she going through a complete personality change or just showing her true colors? Would that affect your romantic relationship with her?
What if she does not love you, anymore? For you, that would be the worst possible scenario.
Here are some signs that your suspicions are justified:

1. She Stopped Fighting with You
Your spouse may be the sort who liked to argue about the little things. She even told you that if she stopped being broken up over these things, then she no longer cared.
A baseline like this should be established. A woman who started off not arguing with you at all may not even be poised to stay in the relationship.
On the other hand, you were probably lucky enough to have a woman who cared enough to argue with you whenever she was hurt.
Then, she stops doing that. You attempt to annoy her on purpose, and she no longer responds.
You know that she hates it when you don’t put your discarded clothes in the laundry. Then, you see her give those dirty clothes on the rug a once-over and leave the room without a word.
Has she lost all semblance of emotion? You worry that you two are headed for a breakup, and that fear may be justified.
When somebody no longer wants to face relationship problems head-on, part of them may have already lost that loving feeling.
A woman who has stopped fighting with you will more likely stop fighting for you, as well.
2. She Barely Talks to You
Then, things might have escalated. She stops talking to you, about anything. Perhaps she is just responding to your questions, nothing more.
This is a huge sign of something wrong. You don’t have to be a relationship expert to know that communication is the basis for any relationship, romantic or otherwise.
When communication is cut off, you must try to understand why that is the case. If it further breaks down, you may not be able to salvage what is left with your love.
If she really has fallen out of love, it is better to put the cards on the table instead of repressing them. This way, you can also move on. It will be painful at first, but that is better than living a lie.
3. She Avoids You Like the Plague
Your partner can further emphasize that she does not want anything to do with you by also avoiding you physically.
If she no longer loves you, it would seem as if she is always headed out that door. Even at home, she will find a way to hang out in another room.
Do not jump to conclusions, though. Has your wife started a new job? Is she involved in a new project that requires her to work quietly in her study? Maybe that new role has become too stressful for her to deal with. She may need some time alone.
However, if this continues for a prolonged period, you may want to have a sit-down with her.
If you love her, you will want to fight for your relationship as much as you still can. Maybe she just wants you to check on her if you did not use to before.
4. She Criticizes You a Lot
Sometimes, silence is not the only clue that shows you that romantic love has gone. On the other end of the spectrum, there is a lot of noise and not the good kind.
If your partner complains about you all the time, you must reflect. Is it really true that you can do no right lately? It takes a brave man to self-examine and to accept his mistake.
However, after your self-examination, you may find out that your wife or girlfriend may just be on a criticism binge. Nothing that you do is pleasing to her – oh, no, not anymore.
Again, check for any changes in her career. Find out if she is having personal issues with her side of the family. Maybe someone is criticizing you and she is starting to believe this other person.
A woman may hate it when other people seem to make observations before she even notices them.
She does not want to be portrayed by others as a martyr or someone who is stupid enough to take on everything.
It is also possible that she may be going through a lot of stress and may just be extra grumpy. Be sure to let her understand that she can share her pain with you.
5. She Badmouths You to Friends and Family
It is one thing for your partner to criticize you privately. However, when she starts badmouthing you to friends and family, she is getting ready for a breakup.
When a woman loves you, she will try to cover up for you as much as she can.
It does not matter if you have hurt her several times, she will still take it on her own. This is because she does not want her friends and family to think that you are no good for her.
If the feeling is gone, though, she will start opening up to those whose opinions she cares about. This means that she is getting ready for a life without you.
So, she wants to rally all the people whose support she will need. This is not a good sign, at all.
6. She has Become More Independent
I am not saying your partner has never been independent, or that she should not try to be so. Her independence may be why you have fallen in love with her in the first place.
Even the most independent of women may want to ask for help just to show affection, not neediness. It may just be to establish that she values the two of you as a couple.
There was a time when she probably calls on you just to open a jar of pickles. Now, she uses a search engine to solve all her problems, and her tightly closed jars may remain inside the pantry.
There is nothing wrong with her trying to improve herself, but you will certainly feel a vibe that she is trying to evade any type of conversation.
At the same time, examine yourself for any signs of neediness. She may be trying to get away from you if you have been too clingy lately.
7. She Doesn’t Include You in Her Plans
But what if Miss Independent has started making big plans without inviting you? In a marriage, this is especially strange.
Yes, she can go shopping on her own. She may even go out with a friend and forget to tell you once or twice. However, it may be a clear sign that she does not want you prying if she has made it into a habit.
Women can be as free as they want, but usually, they will openly tell their partners that they want it that way.
They will also directly tell you that they need some “me time.” Again, communication is key to a successful relationship.
8. She Flirts with other People
Not only is she ignoring you now, but it seems that she has transferred her affections to other people.
No, what you saw was not just any conversation. You are familiar with what she looks like when she is flirting. After all, you have been at the other end of it – a long time ago, it now seems.
Now, there is an added intimacy to the way she talks to this guy or girl. There is clear affection in her voice and gaze. No, this is not her long-time best friend, but a new guy or girl in the picture. Suddenly, things have been a little different.
If you ask a friend of yours to observe from afar, he will see what you have been seeing. Your wife or girlfriend looks like she is in a romantic relationship with someone else.
Before the situation becomes more than it might be in reality, do the right thing and analyze it.
The woman you love may just be friendly enough to welcome a new member of her company. However, if she is an especially attractive woman, the other guy may have other things in mind.
You just may have to step in, but do so in a respectful way.
Male friends may not necessarily be in it for the friendship. As a male, you know what that feels like.
Nevertheless, do not let your broken heart dictate how you deal with these things.
9. Intimacy has been Thrown out the Window
Another clear sign something is up is if your usually active sex life is now non-existent.
There may be lulls to intimate physical contact. After all, the two of you have jobs to tend to. There may also be a period of illness or even a time when the two of you just prefer non-physical intimacy.
You see, intimacy is not purely physical. It could simply be expressed by the two of you having a good laugh at the end of the day. However, if all signs of intimacy are gone, you may have to wonder.
Is physical attraction gone, at least on her end?
In a long term relationship, it is normal for the initial passion to have subsided to a less active sex life. However, it would be strange if the change is abrupt.
As the boyfriend or husband, you should know if your partner is going through something mentally or physically.
It is possible that your true love has retreated away from you, but it is also possible that she has other concerns that are preventing her from being more open emotionally and sexually.
10. Your Gut Feeling Tells You Something is Up
Sometimes, a man has other ways of knowing when something is up.
Much has been said about how a woman has the intuition to gauge when things are not right. However, human beings as a whole have a way of sensing changes.
A man in love knows when there are relationship problems that are yet to surface.
Some men are empaths, too. They can sense when their partners have already fallen out of love.
This may be a vague situation to be in, but some men may depend on past experiences with a lost love.
Men who have been left behind before may have a stronger reason to be vigilant. An ex girlfriend may have given them a reason or two to be afraid.
They do not want to mess up their current romantic relationship but they also know that they may have to let go. They do not expect to imprison a woman in a relationship she no longer wants.
Some women give off obvious signs that they no longer care. It may not take long for your wife or girlfriend to tell you what she feels.
Often though, the wait is excruciating.
Without jumping to conclusions, ask if you can have a serious conversation with your wife. Tell her that you want to know where you stand in this marriage, which is a huge part of your life.
If you think you need a little help, you two can meet with a therapist. This way, someone can help you understand why you two have ended up where you are right now.
Perhaps your situation is simply a result of miscommunication. If that is the case, rejoice and keep your bonds stronger. If not, then you should get ready for the possibility of letting go of your lost love.
all this did is make me more afraid to talk to her about it.. im just more depressed and stressed and anxious, a lot i dont know what else to say.
Idk what to do about this anymore more. My girlfriend and I used to argue and fight and I could feel the love and all that but now a days I can’t call or text because 99% of the time she won’t answer and when she does answer she’s wicked mean. She hides everything she does from me. She won’t talk about the issues we have we barely hangout anymore we don’t have sex ever. Everything I do pisses her off. She won’t go on dates with me anymore.. she doesn’t come to my house ever.. she’s always putting me down because I want to talk about how all this makes feel because men don’t! All about feelings.. what f is wrong me? All I want to do is take her out and massage her and just make her feel happy and safe… What am I doing wrong here?
We all in the same boat