A relationship can break down due to various reasons. Regardless, many people agree that breakups can be mentally and emotionally stressful. A couple in a healthy relationship can quickly become exes if things become sour.
Could you have done things differently before the breakup? Do you think she did not want the break, or is the relationship revivable? It is possible to have these questions pop up in your mind.
In some cases, two individuals may still fight for their relationship depending on the circumstances around the breakup. Are you willing to give it a second chance?
Read on to learn how to get your ex-girlfriend back with nine failproof ways.
9 Failproof Ways to Get Your Ex-girlfriend Back
Breakups are hard, especially when a relationship winds up with bitterness. Sometimes, splitting up may be unavoidable, and the pointers might be glaring before the eventual collapse.
What is more annoying is if a breakup was due to a trivial thing such as a wrong accusation or conflict of interest. The good thing is that you and your woman have had enough time to reflect on everything that transpired.
In the case of true love, the body language of each person may indicate a good chance of getting back. Interestingly, she might also be willing to restart the relationship, but she cannot summon the courage.
This ultimate guide discusses nine failproof ways to get your ex-girlfriend back.
So Without further ado, let’s begin.
1. Meet a Dating Coach
It would be best if you considered meeting a dating coach or relationship expert rather than running to social media. Expressing your mind about the ugly event might be tempting, but that might not resolve your relationship issues.

This coach or expert will bask in their wealth of experience to offer relationship advice on how to go about it. They will give you tips, help you manage your emotions, and even monitor your healing after the breakup.
They understand how you are feeling and what might be going through your mind. Therefore, such a person may share related articles and positive affirmations if they see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A good idea is that you could also read books such as the ex-factor guide for more understanding. You must clear your head as fast as possible before your ex-girlfriend moves into a new relationship.
2. Work on Your Attitude
Developing the right attitude will go a long way in getting back your woman. She might have initiated the breakup if she felt you were lacking in some aspects. For instance, women love independent and mature men.
They want someone bold enough, caring, and funny, but not overwhelming or jealous. At times, your beliefs might differ. If she tells you the truth, she might be interested in seeing some changes you.
Learn to stop acting jealous to avoid going overboard on little things. Work on your mood and learn how to respect and care more for your woman. Also, it is not a bad thing to develop a good sense of humor.
3. Give Her Space
While you might have taken time to process the reality, your woman might need more time to understand better. She might be in disbelief about the breakup, and some females may develop negative emotions.
Give her some space to think about what transpired and the relationship. Preferably, do not contact her for about a month except if she gives the green light.
Maintain your lane and let your partner discover how you have been a blessing to her. This move will also let her know you can leave without her. Simultaneously, it can spur her curiosity to see if you have changed.
If you cheated or abused her, it is a bad thing to reach her when she is still boiling. In fact, you risk making things worse. It is best to let her tempers fade out till she is feeling light. Take the whole thing slowly.
4. Meet Friends and New People
This step has more of a psychological on your ex-girl where she starts thinking that you have moved on. Meet old friends or make new friends, including the opposite gender, and go out with them.
Have fun with your mutual friends to drop subtle hints that you want her back. You can also disclose your intention to those friends to see if they can convince her. Some good friends will tell you where you need to fix up.
However, there is a caveat. Do not hang out too often with females to prevent the negative thoughts of moving on. Furthermore, be careful not to catch feelings for a new person to avoid a rebound relationship.
You can reach out to loved ones that are aware of the relationship. She will be curious (subconsciously) to know what is going on. Typically, a woman is emotional and, if her love is genuine, might want to stalk you even on social media.
5. Resume Your Life
Indeed, a breakup is sad and lonely, with emotions flaring. Regardless, enough of the grieving; get a grip on yourself now. It is time to resume your life; you cannot continue like this forever.
If you want to get your ex-girlfriend back, you want to lift yourself beyond the whole mess. A woman is always moved by men who focus on themselves to become even better. Hence, now is the time to work on yourself.
Stop video games and excessive drinking. Instead, wear your nicest clothes and get the job of your dreams. Work on your career, finances, and long-term goals. Do all the things you love.
Be the life of the party and remain cheerful. Grow yourself out of the circumstances and start cutting some weight at the gym. This tip is to show that you can continue life without her.
Give off subtle hints that you are now a new, self-sufficient person. Wearing new clothes and perfume should stimulate her attraction. Go out more frequently to exciting places, e.g., movies, adventures, and more.
6. Apologize to Her
The most advanced thing to do after the previous steps is an apology. Please note that this is not out of place even if you did not initiate the breakup. It is a bold way of showing that you still love your woman.
It means you brought down your ego for your special person even if she broke up with you. Excitingly, you will be surprised about the effectiveness of your apology if you go about it correctly.
Send her some fresh flowers to remind her of your love. You can employ the contact rule by writing a text message. Ensure your tone expresses your sincerity and reminds her of a happy memory.
Please do not ask her directly to get back to you as she might be nearing a new relationship. For instance, you could say: “I am sorry for every wrong thing that transpired between us. I realize how silly I was. I care and love you sincerely”.
7. Meet Her in Person
Follow up on your flowers or text message by meeting with her in person. Do not use the cover of group outings if you still meet at some everyday activities together. Let it be a one-on-one discussion, not a social media chat.
Choose a good time and comfortable place where she will be free to express herself sincerely. Say how you are feeling about the breakup. Tell her you do not want to lose her but wish to improve things.
You need to do every reasonable thing and show the right gestures to win the woman your love. Now is not the time to blame anybody, rant, or brag if you want your ex-girlfriend back.
Express your love to her, take full responsibility for the breakup, and show you realize your mistakes. Stir her attraction for you and the relationship with your sincerity.
If you cheated or abused your woman, a strong affirmation and emotion that you will turn a new leaf are crucial. Another thing you need to do is to clear all the negative beliefs your ex-girlfriend has about you.
Show her that she is a significant person in your life. By this time, you must have ended that romantic relationship. Your woman needs to be sure she is not sharing her love with another person.
8. Restart Your Friendship
After apologizing, consider restarting your friendship. If you broke her trust, you have to fight for it even though it may take a while. Nevertheless, let her know you are a new person she can trust again.
Getting her trust is the most crucial thing to do. This way, she will open up more to you. Remember those things you did to win her heart back then. Now is a good time to incorporate them.
Recall those gestures that formed her basis of attraction towards you, and start doing them again. It could be buying her a hot cup of coffee, movies, music concerts, morning workouts, etc.
Share more about you and things going on in your life with her like you usually do. Tell your ex-girlfriend about some good news or career achievement during the no-contact period.
Be kind to her friends, loved ones, and anyone she cares about, as they can form a part of her decision-making. Let the whole thing flow as if nothing happened but with more fun, playfulness, and confidence.
9. Communicate Your Feelings to Her
It is a known fact that communication is essential in every relationship. You know your ex-girlfriend better and the type of communication mode she loves. Use that as “new friends” to communicate with her.
Ideally, choose a romantic to tell her how you are feeling. Please note that your body language and seriousness will be subject to scrutiny. Like any other woman, she will try to assess your honesty.
Furthermore, you aim to win her love again, building her attraction by looking nice. Let her know you realized your mistakes. Tell her how much you have changed and how forgiving you have become.
Tell her you are not interested in a new relationship but want to be with her forever. Make her know she means everything to you and that you still have a feeling for her.
Finally, let her know that you have thought out ways to fix the issues that lead to the breakup. Nobody wants to get back into a relationship where the same problem keeps repeating itself.
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Wrapping Up
A messy breakup takes a toll on a person. Before diving back into that relationship with your ex-girlfriend, analyze what you want. It is necessary because you do not want a repeat of your last relationship.
Do you really want that relationship back? If yes, you should know what to do after going through this ultimate guide.
However, do not be afraid to accept the reality if she does not want to be with you anymore or she is in a new relationship. It is up to you to take your time, work on yourself, and go on with your life. However, you may also elicit the help of Browning’s Ex Factor Guide if things are a lot trickier than expected.